• Copying env variables between Heroku apps

    This ruby script will be useful when you need to move a lots of ENV variables between two heroku apps.

    You must be logged in heroku CLI, to successfully run this script.

    In DEFAULT_ENV constant in script you can set ENVs which you don’t want to copy.

    Heroku ENV


     ruby heroku_env.rb 'Enter app name with your env variables, e.g: my-blog-api, twitter-clone-pr-23' my-blog-app 'Enter app name where you want to copy env variables, e.g: my-new-blog, my-new-twitter-clone-25' my-new-blog Setting TWITTER_API_KEY, INSTAGRAM_API_KEY and restarting ⬢ my-new-blog... !
  • Denshobato - Private messaging between models (PART 3)

    Chat Panel Denshobato

    Create messaging system between Reseller and Customer.

    Denshobato Chat Panel Github Repository

    Part 3

    In PART 1 we built a basic app with reseller and customer models, devise authentication and index templates to list our models.

    In PART 2 we did the most of our app, made users able to send messages to each other, create conversations, add conversations to trash and add other users to blacklist.

    In Part 3 we’ll install an additional plugin to our conversation, which adds a chat panel.

    Chat Panel...
          <a href=

  • Denshobato - Private messaging between models (PART 2)

    alt text

    Create messaging system between Reseller and Customer.

    Denshobato Github Repository

    Part 2

    In PART 1 we built a basic app with reseller and customer models, devise authentication and index templates to list our models. In part 2 we’ll make the rest of our app.

    In Part 2:

    • We’ll create conversations
    • Send messages to conversations
    • Send conversations to Trash
    • Add users to BlackList

    Go to Reseller and Customer Models.

    Add denshobato_for :your_class to these models. This method does a lot of things - sets up associations... Read more...

  • Denshobato - Private messaging between models (PART 1)

    alt text

    Create messaging system between Reseller and Customer.

    Denshobato Github Repository

    Part 1

    Denshobato is a Rails gem that helps models communicate with each other. It gives simple api for creating a complete conversation system. You can create conversation with any model. Denshobato provides api methods for making conversation, messages, blacklists and trash. It also provides Helper methods for controller and view.

    In this tutorial, we’ll create messaging system from scratch. A most part of work Denshobato gem will take over.

    $ rails new shop

    Add bootstrap-sass...